Not every pain is caused by a hernia. For your back and leg pain, you should get support from a specialist physician for a correct diagnosis.
If you suffer from migraine-related pain or cannot find the cause of the pain, you should get support from a specialist physician.
Abdominal pain, also known as abdominal pain and arising from the internal organs in the abdominal region, occurs acutely or chronically.
Neck pain may occur as a result of connective tissue deformation in the muscle structures that make up the neck. Making sudden and wrong movements may cause pain as a result of damage to these muscle structures.
Fibromyalgia is a traveling and real pain that the patient feels widely throughout the body. A person usually comes to the doctor complaining that "everywhere hurts". The picture in fibromyalgia, which is considered as the emergence of stress that patients have been experiencing intensely for a long time, is really quite complex.
There are three main causes of cancer pain: There is a 75% probability of pain due to the invasion of the tumor causing cancer, a 20% probability of pain due to radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments in cancer treatment, and a 5% probability of pain due to other reasons, that is, pain of completely different origin than cancer.
Referred pain may be experienced by touching trigger points on the shoulder, neck or back. Along with the pain, tenderness and muscle weakness also occur.
Neuropathic pains are excitatory pains that usually occur as a result of a lesion or dysfunction in the regions involving the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
Shoulder pain can be caused by many reasons. While some of these may originate from the shoulder joint, some may be pain reflected in the shoulder.